Monday, August 29, 2011

18 weeks!

Flutters!?! I swear while laying in bed last night I felt a few! I can't wait until I feel those first strong kicks. We are almost at the halfway point, time is flying by! We have been trying to think of names we like and it's so. hard.  Once we know if it's a boy or girl, it will be easier so we can just focus on names for that one gender.  And yes, we'll probably keep it a secret since everyone has their own opinions. Can't wait to start planning the nursery! Although if it's a girl, I'm pretty sure KT already has it all planned out for me. :)

Here is the first bump picture that everyone keeps asking me for.  

Sunday, August 28, 2011

welcome jacob!

Kelly had her perfect baby boy on August 26th. She makes being a Mom look so easy with one, I know she is going to be amazing with two. I was so happy to meet him today and see all of them as a family of four. Hailee is already a sweet big sister and will walk right over to him when you ask her where the baby is. Congrats Kelly, Chris & Hailee!! xoxo

Now the countdown is on for Pauline!! Such a blessing that me, my sister and my best friends are all having babies so close together.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

new recipe

Holy moly. Tonight's dinner was so good. So good that Ryan & I stopped eating when we probably could have kept going just so we both have a yummy lunch for tomorrow. It was a fun little date night in to make dinner together, we definitely need to do it more often! (One hint if you are going to make this, we buttered the tortillas on the side that would touch the pan rather than putting butter in the pan - just like you would if you were making a grilled cheese.) Hope you all had a good night! Time for our guilty pleasure now, BIG BROTHER! Whohoo!

Friday, August 12, 2011

dog days of summer

I love this dog. :) He is OBSESSED with swimming and it is so funny to watch (for me at least). :) He jumps in the pool, gets a ball then gets out. Repeat for about an HOUR. When he wasn't jumping into the pool for a ball, he was jumping towards the deep end every time a kid went off the diving board. I think he thought they were in trouble and needed help. Hopefully we get him in the pool again before summer is over!

My attempt at a picture with him - he just wanted to continue his game and not stay still. :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

oh baby!!

It is going to be one busy winter for the Hoy/Carney/Smith family! Ryan and I are expecting our first baby around January 28, 2012 and couldn't be more excited! I'm almost 16 weeks along and so far have felt great! Fingers crossed! :) Only one more month until we know the gender and then all the fun shopping can begin! :) We told my family on our first night of vacation in Captiva Island, FL by bringing Colin out in a "Big Cousin" shirt. It took ALL of them awhile to register what exactly was going on. ;)

our sweet baby at 12 weeks :)