Thursday, December 26, 2013

christmas 2013

christmas tradition is always to go to my parents house for christmas eve, open gifts & order chinese food. colin, evan & brielle were up until almost 10 PM, i couldn't believe it. they all just feed off one another and if they aren't tired & grumpy, they are going full speed.

christmas eve dancing from Meghan Hoy on Vimeo.
christmas morning at our house :) getting her to sit still is nearly impossible, so I was trying to bribe her with fruit snacks. this is her saying "please" for them, haha.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

snow baby

our first snow of the year and we were ready to go with our snow tube. a couple of years ago when we got the HUGE snow storm, everywhere was sold out of sleds & tubes so we were sure to be prepared this year! sadly though, after just two times down the hill, our tube popped. our backyard is one big hill so we don't have to go far for some fun sledding/tubing. all the neighborhood kids (and adults!) have a blast in the backyards.

Monday, December 2, 2013

thanksgiving in arizona

thank goodness to a DVD player, lots of fruit snacks, lolly pops and juice....we made it to Arizona. it's funny that when you go on a flight with a toddler, you end up giving them things filled with sugar in hopes they will sleep. luckily, she did for a good portion. she was never super fussy but more antsy to move around and be free. we didn't get her a seat so we had an almost 30 lb 22 month old climbing all over us when she wasn't sleeping. it's a long day/trip, but it was worth it and she had a lot of fun with her other grandparents who she doesn't get to see nearly enough.
i looked up things to do there so we could enjoy the weather and Ryan's mom lives just a few minutes away from the Tucson zoo! Brielle had a blast running around looking at all the animals.
Our last full day there Rob's kids & their family came over and we snapped a quick family photo