Tuesday, January 29, 2013

girls day

I like to take full advantage whenever I can spend extra time with my girl. I decided to work from home one day last week when we had a little snow and to just keep her home with me. Probably a bad idea. Sister is obsessed with the computer so getting work done is a challenge. She thinks the computer is a toy. When Ryan pulls the computer out in the evening, I tell him we need to wait til she goes to bed. Yes. She runs this house. Anyways, despite the many freak outs when I told her "that's a no no" when she came near my computer, we still had a fun day at home.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Happy Birthday, sweet girl

You are officially a ONE YEAR OLD. However, I will still call you my baby for a very. long. time.  You are the most beautiful girl. You have your mommas eyes and your daddy's lips. You have brought SO much joy and love to our family. You have the sweetest personality and are constantly making mommy & daddy laugh with all the new things you do. You are a complete daddy's girl.  Your scrunchy nose and squinted eyes smile is the best.  Your entire face just lights up every time you smile.  You are shy when you are around new people but eventually warm up. You are a "wild child" as your daddy calls you and have no fear. You aren't walking yet but you are still all over the place. You have a current obsession with blankets, pillows & stuffed animals/dolls. You say momma, dada, dog and a bunch of other things that we are still trying to make out. You clap your hands and dance whenever music comes on or when we sing to you. You also just started "jumping" while standing against the couch.   I want to wrap your personality up and save it in a box. If you are this much of a sweetheart now, I can't imagine what's in store for us in the years to come. We are so lucky & blessed to call you our daughter. Mommy & Daddy love you so very much.
one year ago. 01.22.12
1st Birthday celebration!
After the party was over, Aunt Katie insisted on going to take a couple more pics of the birthday girl before the sun disappeared.  So glad we did.  
Thanks aunt Katie for all the pictures! :)