Monday, December 31, 2012

first snow

I was shocked how much snow we actually had when we got back home christmas eve night. We have a snow tube that we haven't been able to put to use yet so Ryan & I knew exactly what we would be doing with Brielle Christmas morning after opening gifts. One advantage to a yard that is partly a hill is we can go sledding/tubing right in our own backyard. Our wild child loved tubing, even when Ryan crashed into the fence. She was just giggling up a storm.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

christmas 2012

We kept with tradition and went to my parents house Christmas Eve for presents and chinese :) Colin had a ball opening all the gifts for everyone. Brielle just loves him and it's so cute seeing her follow her cousins around everywhere. Christmas day we woke up to SNOW in Leesburg! It was the perfect 1st christmas for our little babe. Get ready for picture over load of Brielle's 1st Christmas :)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

evan is ONE!

I feel like it was just yesterday that Katie was telling me she was pregnant again. Then shortly after, we found out I was expecting. Having our babies just 6 weeks apart has been so fun so far, I can only imagine what it will be like going forward. Colin is by far the wild child of the Smith fam, while Evan just sits back and takes it all in. Colin & Brielle just rip toys out of his hands and he doesn't mind at all. He is the sweetest boy and his little grin is the best. I didn't think it was possible for anyone to love food more than Colin but Evan has definitely proved everyone wrong. We celebrated his birthday at the beginning of December before everyone was too busy with the holiday. Andddd...he's taking steps already!! These babes are growing up way. too. fast (as cliche as it sounds) :) Happy 1st (belated) Birthday Evan! I love you so so much!!! Thanks for the pictures Dad!! 

playing chase

All we have to say is "I'm gunna getcha" and she goes nuts. No matter where she is, she jumps to turn the other direction and crawls like crazy for us to chase her. Tonight, she was on my lap and Ryan said it and she just literally dove head first off my lap. She has no. fear. Clearly gets that from her daddy. Oh and yes, that's a sock in her hand. It's her latest obsession.  

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

hanging out

Enjoying a little time outside on our porch before it gets too cold. Brielle pays absolutely no attention to our Christmas tree (thank goodness) but loves all the lights outside. Something about that teeny tiny finger pointing to the lights just kills me. We may have no presents for her by the time Christmas is here. I can't help myself but want to open one gift a night for her lately.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

thanksgiving. a bit late.

We spent our last Thanksgiving on Elsinore. My parents decided to join KT & I and move out to Loudoun County. It is going to be so nice to have everyone nearby even though I am really going to miss that house. That theatre room. That barrrr. (Even though it's been awhile since I've really enjoyed a good party down there. Hint, Hint.) :) Speaking of moving, we are finally moved into our house and it's slowly coming together.  10 month old + moving is quite the combo. Here are a few pictures from Thanksgiving.