Monday, October 17, 2011

25 weeks

25 weeks and growing :) Ryan felt her kick for the first time this weekend and I think he was surprised when I told him that was a "small" one. The kicks are definitely getting stronger and more frequent and I love it. I know eventually they might get in the way of sleeping, but right now I'm soaking up every little movement I feel.

Excuse my awful roots. My hair grows really fast to begin with and it grows even faster when you're pregnant. I should have gone back dark for this reason alone. Who knows, might change it up again. I'm crazy and can never make up my mind!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

baby boy smith #2

It's hard to believe that in about 9 weeks I'll become an aunt to a little boy again! I can't wait to see how Colin will be with his little brother.  They are going to be best friends growing up 20 months apart. :) Knowing that I am only 5 weeks behind my sister makes it that much more real for me as well. With all the holiday's coming up, I know the rest of my pregnancy will probably go by so quickly.

We convinced Katie to let us throw her a small shower to celebrate baby boy Smith #2 and we had it this weekend at my parents house. They usually say you gain more weight with each additional baby but I'm pretty sure Katie is smaller than she was with Colin (she would probably disagree though) ;)

I only managed to get a few pictures :(

If you are ever looking for fun cookies for a shower, birthday party, holiday event..ANYTHING, you have to check out this Etsy shop. We have used her since Katie's wedding shower and not only are her cookies pretty but they are delicious!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

wedding bells

This weekend we went Charlotte for Bird & Jen's wedding. Bird is Ryan's best friend from college and was always like an older brother to me. I am so happy he found someone like Jen and can't wait for them to start a family of their own...I think it will be happening sooner than later. :) This was the first wedding I've been to since I've been pregnant and boy is it different being sober at a wedding. We had a great time though and are very jealous that the newlyweds are relaxing in ST. LUCIA right now.

the happy couple during their first dance

my handsome hubby <3

boys and the bride taking a break from the dance floor for a quick pic

Congrats Bird & Jen!! XOXO

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

pick your own

This weekend we headed out to Stribling Orchard with the family for some apple picking and a picnic :) I love fall activities and they are only going to get better in the coming years with our little girl.

23 weeks pregnant...and lucky me, according to the doctors I'm measuring OVER 3 weeks ahead. either they have my due date very wrong or we're having a BIG baby. yikes.

apple + open field to run = happy little boy

...and this my friends is HEAVEN. Apple crisp & french vanilla ice cream. Ryan had the idea to add caramel into the apple crisp before baking it and it was soooo good. Still have some apples left so we'll be making another! I don't know why I've been taking pictures of food but just go with it... soon enough it will be picture overload of the baby :)