Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I go back to work in just a few days. Brielle keeps me busy during the day but I wouldn't trade it for the world. It's going to be hard going back to work and not spending every minute of every day with this sweet face.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

6 weeks....a week late

We made it thru the first 6 weeks! Looking back at pictures, I already miss how small she was when she was born. We go for her 2 month check-up soon and I can't wait to see how much she weighs.  She used to be skinny minny but now she has her baby rolls and I love them! Brielle is really starting to change by the day.  

starting to smile more and more...

her head is getting really strong thanks to tummy time...

and she ROLLED OVER from tummy to back for the first time. I think it scared her because she started crying (ie: screaming) right after, poor thing. She has only rolled over once, but it's still going in the baby book. I was taking pictures of her at the time so I just happened to catch it on camera.

i can take pictures of thees two all day long :)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

DIY closet dividers

I decided to get crafty today while Brielle was taking her daily 2.5 hour nap and make closet organizers for her. So fun!  What you need: wooden letter O's, scrapbook paper, paint, mod podge, knife (box cutter, blade, etc) & numeric stickers. I was going to paint one side of the "O" and put scrapbook paper on the other, but I loved the patterns I got so much I decided to do scrapbook paper on both sides. Just mod podge the wooden "O"s onto the scrapbook paper then take the box cutter and trace around it to cut it out. Do that to both sides then top with mod podge. Paint the edges & add your stickers. :)