Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Brielle is able to sit up by herself for longer periods each time, which makes for much cuter pictures! :) She is full of personality already and you can see it in all the cute expressions she makes.  She's also now rolling all over the place and sleeps on her belly.  When laying on the floor you can see that she is really trying to crawl but I think we still have a little while before she gets that movement down. Full update next week after her 6 month appt!  

Sunday, July 15, 2012

road trip

We took our first road trip with Brielle to visit Ryan's family and it was a complete success! I definitely recommend anyone traveling with a little one to leave in middle of the night so they sleep a majority of the trip. Brielle was an angel the entire weekend considering she was passed around to so many people. Let's hope she's just as good when we go visit her geat grandma & great grandpa in Florida next month.

Our hotel was 30 minutes from Niagara Falls
5 Generations. Amazing!